Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to move on from your straight girl crush.

ladies.. it's been like years i didn't update in my blog. first of all, i'm kind of busy with my life studying to be a civil engineer. obviously sebab aku tak la genius pandai gila. nak dapat dekan pon baru satu semester je. anyway, recently aku jadi excited nak blogging balik. why not, sebagai diary utk aku bukak balik blog ni nak baca. bila aku check byk jugak aku dah post and kebanyakan nya pasal kesedihan dengan miss n. and now aku x sedih and x ingat sangat pasal dia. nak msg selamat berpuasa pon aku x nak sebab i know dia x wish aku pon. aku wish dekat syg aku je haha... 

aku x ingat berapa lama dah since last aku dapat move on dari miss n. aku happy sekarang. memang typical lesbian girl falling in love with her straight bff. for those who still in that zone. just brace yourself. i can give you advice now because i'm over it. 

So this is the step how to move on or forget about your straight girl crush/bff.
  1. keep in your mind that she's straight and your not. Remember that. Even if you gay that doesn't mean that she's the same.
  2. Stop calling her, texting her, stalk her on facebook twitter or any type of communication. you need to stay away from her. really really stay away. i'm fucking serious girl. I know it's so fucking damm hard but still u need to be strong
  3. try having a new girlfriend. go on a date. lepak with your friends but don't fucking use any advice that will make u make any connection with The Girl ok? lempang je member yg bagi idea bijak tu. You kene stay away from loneliness, because it can kills your soul girl haha.. lonely makes u wanna call and text her. no no you kene stay away
  4. the best way is confront that you suka dia. Sebab either way kau akan jauh kan diri dari dia. so baik bagitahu je yang kau adore her. kalau dia x suka lagi bagus, dia sendiri akan jauh kan diri dari kau. Reality nya kau takkan dapat jadi kawan baik dia kalau kau x buang perasaan tu. sometimes takkan dapat jadi kawan pon ok? 
  5. after one or two years, you will achieve how to forget your straight girl crush/bff.
itu je step yg aku rasa aku buat masa nak move on. banyak dari bantuan kawan2. bloggers yang lain. suruh aku bersabar semua. then aku jumpa Sya aku. then aku in love dengan dia. tapi aku regret sebab semua ni buat aku x boleh kawan dgn miss n. friendship susah nak dapat, and our friendship broke sbb perasaan aku. so aku tahu salah aku but what can i do. i was in love with her before. tangan aku x boleh lepas pegang dia. jantung aku berdebar je kalau dia ada. worst case kot. so mmg patut tak ada friendship tu. and miss n tolong jugak dengan block aku dari any type of communication haha... bangang dia lupa dia block aku, siot je miss n tu.

But now aku tgah madly in love with Sya. She thought me so many things. just be myself, aku x payah nak tunjuk comel or kuat depan dia. dia memang tau aku macam mana. lembik reality nya haha... dia peluk aku every time i need it. she loves me back. aku tak bertepuk sebelah tangan lagi. She likes to kiss me. She likes my body even aku kata aku gemuk n tak suka badan aku. Senang kata aku suka semua pasal Sya. Aku tak sangka akan jumpa a really lovely person macam dia. and bila ada kawan2 aku ngorat dia, dalam hari aku even sakit sbb awek aku kene usha tapi aku rasa bangga sebab, that girl is my girlfriend and she loves me. hoho... padan muka.  Tapi aku x suka Sya membebel haha...

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